The Republic of Cyprus was an active member of the L3 Collaboration at LEP, and joined the CMS Collaboration in 1995. A Memorandum of Understanding with the CMS Collaboration was signed in 1999. In its work for CMS, the high-energy physics group from the University of Cyprus joined a consortium with the responsibility for manufacturing the barrel yoke and the vacuum tank of the CMS solenoid magnet. Construction of both systems was completed successfully. In addition, members of the team from the University of Cyprus have developed specialized equipment for performing control and calibration tests of the very front-end electronics boards of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter. They are also involved in the physics analyses of the CMS experiment, including in certain searches for the Higgs boson and beauty quarks, and participate in the CMS upgrade programme.
The University of Cyprus is also upgrading their high-performance computing cluster for Monte Carlo simulations and analysis of LHC data and will serve as a valuable component of the Grid computing initiative, as a Tier-2 centre.
An International Cooperation Agreement (ICA) signed in 2006 and two Protocols to the ICA signed in 2007 have strengthened the scientific and technical links in the areas of experimental and theoretical physics, high-performance computing and applications, and other projects of mutual interest.
Since 1 April 2016, the Republic of Cyprus is an Associate Member in the pre-stage to Membership of CERN for a minimum period of 24 months. Following this period, CERN Council will decide on the admission of the Republic of Cyprus to full Membership, taking into account the recommendations of a task force to be appointed for this purpose.
This page was last updated on 25 February, 2020