Finland has a long-standing tradition of research in theoretical high-energy physics (HEP). Since the beginning of the 1980s, experimental research has focused on key experiments at the high-energy frontier. These activities range from the UA1 experiment at the CERN proton-antiproton collider, the DELPHI experiment at LEP and the CDF experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron to significant contributions to three LHC experiments: ALICE, CMS and TOTEM, the main effort being concentrated in CMS. In parallel, Finnish research groups participate in experiments at the ISOLDE facility, and Finnish researchers have been among key contributors to the CLOUD project.
Present and future experimental activities are based on four cornerstones: the Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP), which coordinates experimental HEP activities in Finland, a good laboratory infrastructure for semiconductor and gas detector construction and development, a strong local link between phenomenology and experiment, especially in the fields of new physics and QCD, and a good university education system. Currently all experimental and a large part of the phenomenological research are linked to CERN activities. Finland joined CERN as a member state in 1991.
The highest priority of the Finnish HEP community is a successful completion of the LHC program, including its high-luminosity upgrade HL-LHC. The Finnish HEP community participates in studies of possible post-LHC facilities such as CLIC and FCC.
This page was last updated on 30 January, 2023