
Information on the introduction of a barcode on the CERN cards

Ref. CERN / DSU-RH / 12224 (October 2004),
published in Bulletin n ° 45/2004

Rules for use of the gate E

Réf./Ref. CERN/DSU-RH/12222/Rev.3 -
bilingual document (Juillet/July 2018, corr. Janvier/January 2019)

Using the "Tunnel" pending issue or renewal of Swiss and/or French legitimation documents"

Ref. CERN/DSU-DO/RH/11131 (17 October 2002);
published in the CERN Bulletin no. 44/2002.

Tunnel Linking the CERN Sites: Discontinuation of the (small) 'Attestation CERN'

Ref. CERN/DSU-RH/11998 (25 May 2004);
published in the CERN Bulletin no. 23/2004.

The Tunnel linking the CERN sites - Rules for use

Ref. CERN/DSU-DO/RH/8200 (May 1998);