Statement relating to conditions governing the provision of services in France by firms established abroad
Ref. CERN/DSU-DO/RH/12794 (October 2005, last update 17 July 2020)
Posted workers: Implementation of the principle of foreseeable preponderant share in Switzerland
(Document provided by the Geneva Office cantonal de l'inspection et des relations du travail (OCIRT) and Office cantonal de la population et des migrations (OCPM) - 12 April 2017)
French regulations - Working at night and/or on public holidays
French only (7 June 2006)
Législations suisse et française en matière de dérogations d'horaires de travail : résumé des présentations des Inspecteurs du Travail suisse et français du 3 mai 2005
French only (3 May 2005)
Relations between CERN, the competent bodies of the Host States and contractors concerning occupational health and safety on the Organization's site
Ref. CERN/DSU-DO/RH/9335 (October 1999);
bilingual document; original: French.
bilingual document; original: French.