
Practical guide to civil mediation

Ref. CERN/DSU-RH/13570 (November 2006) (updated June 11, 2013)

Recommendations from the Geneva Police Department

CERN/DSU-RH/13533 - 27th October 2006

Compulsory declaration of the disappearance, loss or theft of property and of serious incidents

Ref. CERN/DG-RH/17306 (27 April 2014)
published in the CERN Bulletin no. 20-21/2014 (12 May 2014), updated 15 October 2019

Entitlement to vote in the cantons of Genève and Vaud and eligibility in the canton of Vaud

CERN/DSU-RH/13395 - 17 August 2006, updated on March 18, 2016

Safety measures

CERN/DSU-DO/RH/10660 - 31 octobre 2001

Use of the picnic area

CERN/DSU-DO/RH/10568 - 15 august 2001