
The Office of the Director reports to the Director of the International Relations sector

International Relations Director Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle


Three sections make up the Office of the Director:

Resource Coordination and Administration

Section Leader
Departmental Planning Officer (DPO)
Human Resources Officer (HRO)
IR Sector Risk Manager (RM)
Departmental Space Manager (DSM)
Diversity & Inclusion Officier (DIO)
Zornitsa Zaharieva

Deputy Departmental Planning Officer (DDPO)
Departmental Training Officer (DTO)
Departmental Data Privacy Protection Coordinator (DDPPC)

Hanife Olgunsoy

Departmental Administrative Officer (DAO)
Group Administrative Officer (GAO):
                           IR-DS, IR-DO, IR-ECO, IR-SG groups
IR Sector Travel Manager (TM)
Departmental Inventory Manager (DIM)
Deputy Departmental Space Manager (DDSM)
Deputy Departmental Training Officer (DDTO)

Zsuzsanna Garai
Administrative Student Kaveen Manage Don

Member State Relations

Section leader Peter Chochula

Relations with International Organisations

Section leader Archana Sharma