The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs has informed CERN in 2018 of the conditions and means of access to the French labour market applicable to spouses and children of members of the personnel, updated in a 2022 Note verbale.
These conditions and means of access are applicable to spouses of members of the personnel and their children under 21 years old (and dependent disabled children older than 21 years old) who are not nationals of Switzerland or a country in the European Union or European Economic Area and who hold a special residence permit issued by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (“special French card”). They concern:
a) Work in a salaried role
An application must be sent to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign affairs through the Host-States service. The following documents must be provided:
- 1 copy of the CERFA form n°15186*03 “demande d’autorisation de travail pour un salarié étranger résidant en France” (sheets 1 and 2 signed by the potential employer, sheets 3 and 4 facultative) ;
- contract or “promesse d’embauche” from the employer with the contact details of the company, type of employment, type of contract, weekly working hours and the monthly gross salary ("SMIC" minimum) ;
- copies of the special French card of the member of personnel and that of the concerned family member.
The request shall be submitted by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign affairs to the Ministry of the Interior (Professional immigration Office) where it will be reviewed and a decision made. Except under exceptional circumstances, a temporary work authorization shall be given upon instruction of the Professional immigration Office, free of charge and tax.
b) Work on a free-lance / self-employed basis
An application must be sent to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign affairs through the Host-States service. The following documents must be provided:
- a written business plan;
- copies of special French card of the member of personnel and that of the concerned family member.
Given the specificity of the stay in France, subordinated to that of the member of personnel, the French authorities will allow the family member to work on a self-employed basis, with the French special card.
c) Work in a regulated profession
For the exercise of a regulated activity (doctor, nurse, architect, lawyer, etc.), the applicant must prove that he fulfills the conditions of practice of the profession, including the inscription in the roll of the competent Order.
NB : the "titre de séjour spécial" does not allow to register with the French "Registre du commerce et des sociétés" nor "Registre des métiers", therefore the exercice of artisanal or commercial activities is not possible. However, it is possible to invest in a company without owning it or being its legal representative, by entrusting a third party having the legal right to have the status of craftsman or merchant in France.