French law 98-349 of 11 May 1998 was drawn up to simplify the administrative procedures for non-French scientists arriving on French territory to work in academic institutions and research organisations, including CERN. In particular, it makes provision for the issue of a "Convention d'accueil" as a means of validating the residence in France of scientists conducting research or teaching at university level. This document, which bears the stamp of the host institute or organisation and of the Prefecture in which it is located, greatly simplifies the procedures for obtaining a French visa (see memorandum of 7 October 1999 relating to Swiss and French visas, ref. CERN/DSU-DO/RH/9270, modified by document CERN/IR-REL-RH/19715).
The French authorities have recently granted CERN scientists holding a "Convention d'accueil" new facilities regarding conditions for work on the French part of the CERN site: henceforth, they are no longer required to obtain an Autorisation provisoire de Travail (APT; provisional work authorisation) from the Direction départementale du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle de l'Ain (Departmental Directorate of Labour, Employment and Occupational Training of the Ain). This change represents a considerable simplification of the administrative formalities.
However, the Organization has been requested to declare the professional activities of the persons concerned to the competent French authorities.
Below you will find a description of the new conditions for work in France applicable to members of the CERN personnel (see Article I 2.02 of the Staff Rules) holding a "Convention d'accueil" (hereinafter referred to as "scientists"). You will also find a summary of the conditions of residence applicable to scientists residing in France for no more than three consecutive months or who, in the case of repeated visits, are not actually present in France for more than six months of the year.
This memorandum cancels and replaces paragraphs 2 and 3 of document DSU-DO/RH/6639 entitled "Members of the CERN personnel chercheurs) residing in France and not holding a «Carte spéciale» issued by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs".
N.B.: concerning the work and residence conditions applicable to scientists residing in France for more than three consecutive months but less than six, a new type of "carte spéciale" (Titre de Séjour temporaire, without any privileges attached) is introduced by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Furthermore, please take note that the work and residence conditions covered by this memorandum do not apply to persons entitled to a "Carte spéciale" issued by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (members of the personnel holding a full-time contract with CERN for a period of more than three months, and their families).
1. Citizens of countries within the European Economic Area* and Switzerland
(*currently: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden).
1.1 Convention d'Accueil
The "Convention d'accueil" facilities do not apply to citizens of countries within the European Economic Area and Switzerland (these people are not required to obtain a visa).
1.2 Residence
In the case of scientists from countries within the European Economic Area and Switzerland residing in France for no more than three consecutive months or who, in the case of repeated visits, are not actually present in France for more than six months of the year, there are no residence formalities to be completed, provided that they hold a valid travel document (national passport or other travel document recognised in France).
1.3 Work
Scientists from countries within the European Economic Area and Switzerland are not required to obtain a work permit for professional activities on the French part of the CERN site.
2. Citizens of countries outside the European Economic Area
2.1 Convention d'Accueil
Only citizens of countries outside the European Economic Area and who are conducting research or teaching at university level at CERN are entitled to a "Convention d'accueil".
In accordance with the instructions issued by the Relations with the Host States adviser and the Relations with the non-Host States adviser, only the following persons are currently authorised to sign a "Convention d'accueil": see document CERN/IR-REL-RH/19715.
The issuing procedure is as follows:
The "Convention d'accueil", duly completed and signed by one of the above-mentioned authorised persons, is forwarded to the Relations with the Host States Service. The latter stamps it, has it approved by the Sous-Prefecture in Gex and returns it, the same day, to the authorised person. The latter then forwards it to the scientist concerned, who must date and sign it.
2.2 Residence
In the case of scientists from countries outside the European Economic Area residing in France for no more than three consecutive months or who, in the case of repeated visits, are not actually present in France for more than six months of the year, there are no residence formalities to be completed, provided that they hold a valid travel document (national passport or other travel document recognised in France) and, where appropriate, a valid entrance visa (see Admin E-guide and document CERN/IR-REL-RH/19480).
2.3 Work
The Service responsible for registering the scientist at CERN stamps a photocopy of the "Convention d'accueil" and sends it to the Relations with the Host States Service, which then forwards it to the competent French authorities.)