An International Cooperation Agreement (ICA) between CERN and the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología del Perú (CONCYTEC) concerning the further development of scientific and technical cooperation in the research projects of CERN was signed in 1993.
Peru took part in programmes such as HELEN, EELA and EELA-2, which enabled junior Peruvian scientists to visit CERN for training and to make direct contacts. These exchanges led a Peruvian team from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú (PUCP) to join ALICE in 2010.
The 7th CERN – Latin American School of High-Energy Physics (CLASHEP) took place in Arequipa (Peru) in 2013.
Starting in 2015, Peruvian students participate almost annually in the CERN Summer Student Programme.
Dernière mise à jour le 1 juillet, 2021