In the time of the Soviet Union, the Yerevan Physics Institute (YerPI) was an important laboratory with a 6 GeV electron synchrotron and a large engineering potential. During this period, many Armenian physicists participated independently or through JINR Dubna in several SPS experiments at CERN. The institute now has only a reduced level of activity, mainly taking opportunity of international collaborations with CERN, DESY (Germany), and CEBAF (US).
In 1994, an International Cooperation Agreement between the government of Armenia and CERN concerning the further development of scientific and technical cooperation in high-energy physics was signed.
Armenia participates in ATLAS and ALICE, and in CMS through RDMS as a Member of JINR Dubna. Despite a lack of financial support, Armenia has contributed visibly to these three LHC experiments. The team in ALICE is involved in the development of Grid technology, and has already implemented AliEn locally.
Dernière mise à jour le 26 octobre, 2022